Day Turns to Night

Day Turns to Night, Night Turns To Whatever We Want

The day was amazing.
And the sunset highlights it with some mysterious perfection.
Soon night is upon us and everything is covered in darkness
A blanket of silence and comfort and warmth.
I ponder over bits and pieces of the past
Committing them to memory as I drift in and out of sleep.

The night is amazing.
And the sunrise is fierce and flawless
Waking up is so sweet, like nectar from some magical flower.
I want to savor it and make it linger, long into the day.
The possibilities seem like an endless weave of deliciousness
Because in this time and space, life can be whatever we want.


I’ve listened to the song “Good Life” by One Republic about a gazillion times. It’s actually the song that the alarm on my phone is set to play each morning. It’s a great song, but even more than that – it has a great message. Well, as lyrics and poetry go, it is subject to interpretation, but for me, this song is all about the possibilities in life. In essence, that life just happens and we can make it whatever we want.

One day we might find ourselves in a strange place, without understanding how we got there. Another time we might find ourselves in a situation that seems rotten that we can’t really escape from, but no matter what happens, we just have to live it, and make the best of it.

Life can be beautiful and amazing. Each day is a gift, to be cherished, but also to be used. Each new day is an opportunity to do more of what you want, to make life what you want it to be. If your goal is to travel the world, make a plan and go for it. If you just want to catch up on all the episodes of “House” you missed last season, then Netflix is waiting for you. If you want to help people, go find a cause you believe in and be a part of it.

Wherever it is you want to go, whoever you want to be, and no matter what it is you want to do with your life – Today is a good day to start…

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